Anika Rütten


Tel: 0711-459-22223
Fax: 0711-459-22238


Research interests

"I am interested how environmental bacteria adapt to the herbicide glyphosate. I also want to elucidate the link between the shikimate pathway and the regulation of aerobic/anaerobic metabolism in Bacillus subtilis".


Education - professional experience

08/2024 - present, PhD thesis, University of Hohenheim, Germany

09/2020 - 04/2023, Master degree (M. Sc.), Microbiology, University of Tübingen, Germany

09/2016 - 12/2020, Bachelor degree (B. Sc.), Biology, University of Tübingen, Germany



Rütten A, Wohlleben W, Mitousis L, Musiol-Kroll EM (2023) A whole-cell assay for detection of antibacterial activity in actinomycete culture supernatants. Methods Mol Biol 2601: 27-38.

Rütten A, Kirchner T, Musiol-Kroll EM (2022) Overview on strategies and assays for antibiotic discovery. Pharmaceuticals 15: 1302.